It's interesting to hear about one's mental outlets. We are unique and our versions of escape tend to flow with our personalities. My inner athelete tells me my form of escape should be this:
or maybe this:
but in reality I despise running, and my thoughts are like fireworks..constantly shooting off different ideas and making connections off of each other ...I know..I're supposed to supress all thoughts in meditation..picture a white wall..tried that once, but I kept adding crown molding to my wall, then I thought one side should be painted dark chocolate. Eeeesh!
So, when I want to evade reality these are things I love and soothe my soul.
First: Books...I'm obsessed with books..all kinds..professional reading, historical fiction, destination books, trashy girl drama books, cookbooks, children's books, and lots more. I love the smell of books..yep..I'm a book've seen those weirdos who read the back cover and then flip quickly through the book.. inhaling deeply..I can't believe I'm admitting this. My friends tease that they are going to find me a book scented candle. I do not own a Nook, because Nooks don't really, I just haven't gotten over my love of holding a book, the crisp sound when you turn the page, or how you can see the visual progress you've made all the while dreading the end.

Second: my form of meditation. It clears my mind and enables me to experience that euphoria that could equivalate to the "runner's high", okay, that was dramatic, but you get the idea. My inbox is flooded with emailed iTunes reciepts of music we have bought. I might need an intervention. As far as what I listen to, my music taste is quite similar to my book taste...all over the place. These are a few of my favorites: Sting, Sade, Dave Matthews, Johnny Cash..The Beatles, there are too many. Lately, I'm in love with Mumford and Sons, they are a little alternative mixed in with some blue grass.
Third: Movies with my sweet girl. Kelsey and I are constantly checking out the flixster app on my phone. We can tell you when the lastest movie is coming out, who's going to be in it, etc. Even though there is an auditorium filled with people, I get lost in the story and forget I'm not alone...but I do manage to keep my laughing/snorting under control...ahem...Kym... Snacks are a must..I feel cheated if I don't get popcorn (no butter please). It's part of the "experience"...thus I don't mind paying $6 for a small bag.
Last, but not least: Laughter. I hear the quiet giggles of my daughter, and wonder where she got her grace from. My laugh sounds more like dogs barking, but it has gusto and meaning. I can't fake a laugh. Laugh is contagious, sometimes in the theater I laugh more from the way someone else laughs then the comedy of the movie. And if you snort..forget it..I'm on the floor. It is a wonderful feeling that happens to burn some calories in the process. Thank goodness since the common pattern of my escape is sitting on my "beee-hind"
Whatever you do for your escape...I hope you laugh along the way.