Friday, March 18, 2011

Blog Challenge Day Five: Favorite Things Friday

I'm going to expose many elements of myself in listing just "some" of my favorite things, including my inner...(ahhh who am I kidding?) My outer Geek.  At any point in a day I can revolve around the ages of 8-75 years of age.  For example:

One of my favorite apps: 
Yes, that's right...Good ol' farts.  Some examples to use this brilliant app are in a quiet, stiff, conference room where everyone is waiting for the enticing subject of Regulation E.  (Referring to my bank days). Push the button for "Burrito Maximo" then turn to your co-worker and ask them if "they are okay?"

My favorite rule breaker:  My little friend I call "Speedito"  This little guy has saved me lots of money.  It's just so hard to drive sloooow.  I implore all you non speed limit rule breakers. 

One last "geek-out".  Donkey Kong country is one of my favorite Wii games.  Thank goodness I teach kids..I have had to seek their counsel many a time on how to get past level 7. 

Okay, I'll act my age now.  Open windows on a breezy day are a must because I feel there is no substitute for fresh air. 

Favorite flower:  Tulips are complex and simple all wrapped in one.  I love their bright colors and the simplicity of their petals.  Put a bouquet of tulips on your dining table and watch the room light up.

My favorite name?  Mommy.  Kelsey is 11 years old and she still calls me "mommy"  I hope it stays that way forever. 

1 comment:

  1. ahh crap....I posted like 25234141 favorite things. Your blogs sound like magazine articles and I mean that in a good way. my blogs sound like teenagers diaries....lots and lots of words, but not a lot of meaning! Oh and by the way, I kind of stole your idea for a blog title but putting "favorite thing" lyrics, however, it just so happens I chose the "wild geese" section of the song, which JUST NOW hit me at how hilarious that is!!! BAHAHAHAHA....
