Thursday, March 24, 2011

What's your number?

I hear it all the time..the older we get, the less we celebrate.  There's something that changes in our psyche from young birthday celebrations that involve months of party planning to..hmmm.."older" celebrations where you just don't have "time" to bother.  A friend of mine whos birthday was fast approaching, was reflecting on her new age:  27.  Not quite ready to be shopping around for a major push-up bra, but not exactly 21 anymore.  She said, " 27 is the age my mom always said she was on all her future'm at that number now." 

After thinking about what she said, I realized  the age difference in 27 and my ripe age of  35.  I am on the uphill to 40.  Forty?  No way, I'm still 23 inside.  Then it occurred to me, age really is just a number....or am I just saying that because I'm "older" now? After contemplating this thought I've come to the conclusion that I'm still the me I was at 21..add that to some momentous life experiences and I'd say my number is fitting.

So, my point is... celebrate your number no matter what it is.
 It's not everyday that you get to dive into brightly colored tissue paper searching for that wonderment of surprise...

 or actually order something from the menu that's described as "stuffed" or "smothered"...without feeling guilty.

Life is short, embrace the festivities.....

P.S.>> don't forget to blow out your candles; make a wish to enjoy life, and welcome all the numbers to come.

1 comment:

  1. Love this - and it's so true!! Hope she has a great year of being 27 and can embrace 28 for what it is ... another number!
